Monday, September 28, 2009

My secret other lives.

I actually have three lives that I live simultaneously. 
1) I am a wife and mother to two children.
2) I am a classically trained professional musician.
3) I have a sewing business.

Recently I have been having trouble deciding which hat I have on at any given moment. And they do overlap. My son is tall and skinny. After hours of searching the stores for jeans, we gave up and bought some denim material and I made him a pair. They still need some tweaking, poor kid. But I have dresses to make for my Etsy store!

I played in a string quartet for a wedding this weekend. I am forever depressed by how frumpy I have become. I prefer to be comfortable and my 'comfortable' clothes are sweats. Even my dressy black is getting old and frumpy. So I took time out from my sewing business (and my family) to try my hand at a pair of pants for myself. Here's the result.

A little blurry but it's very difficult to take your own picture!

Today I am focusing on the shop and baby clothes. I have ideas for FIVE different warm, winter dresses. The first is this kelly green corduroy with white lace. So far just the yoke is done.

I originally planned to put the lace on by machine. After pinning it on the yoke, I realized it would be so much easier just to whip it down by hand. 

The embroidery I kind of made up as I went, eye-balling the green curvy line then putting three red french knots in each curve.

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